Frequently asked questions
How do I get started with the Enhance-d dashboard?
Go to or click on the “log in” link at the bottom of the Then create a new account or log in using your username and password if you already have an account. After logging in, you will be provided with a series of prompts to connect your CGM or other wearable devices.
How can I access my Enhance-d dashboard?
How do I create an account or change my password?
How do I logout from my dashboard?
How does Enhance-d integrate with other tools?
Is there a list of available integrations?
How to enable data import?
Can I create manual events?
Is there a doctor’s view where I can manage and monitor all my patients?
Is there a mobile App?
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Supported languages
What are Enhance-d subscription options?
The Enhance-d dashboard is currently FREE to use for both patients and clinicians.
We'll soon be opening up access to the a Free Beta version of our App. Make sure to join the waitlist!
I have a question that's not listed here.
Data & Privacy
Is Enhance-d secure?
Yes, we have a secure and continuous service that connects your wearables to our platform using the most up-to-date industry standards for handling personal and health data, such as GDPR, HIPAA, and SOC 2. Additionally, we do not store any user’s identifiable/personal information in our databases. That is, all the data is anonymised in addition to being encrypted. Any user personal information (i.e., name and email address) is stored by Auth0 ( , which is an Authentication as a Service (AaaS) provider and uses important security measures, such as multi-factor authentication and attack protection.
Who has access to my data?
What will Enhance-d or other third parties do with my personal information?
How much glucose data will enhance-d store and display?
I have a question that's not listed here.