Fabio Saviozzi interviewed by Startup Health at HLTH 2023 in Las Vegas
Our C.C.O. joins joins Logan Plaster from Startup Health to give an overview of Enhance-d
Jan 18, 2024

Fabio Saviozzi, CCO & Co-founder of Enhance-d, is on a health moonshot mission to improve the quality of life for millions of people with diabetes by enabling them to maintain good health through optimal self-management. In this StartUp Health Studio interview, Saviozzi shares how Enhance-d has built digital diabetes management tools previously reserved for elite athletes. Based in Switzerland, his company – which joined StartUp Health's T1D Moonshot Community in 2023 – offers a platform that integrates, analyzes, and presents all diabetes-related data in a simple, user-friendly, and actionable manner to simplify decision making. The team understands the challenges of living with diabetes and the importance of maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle.